Tuesday, June 24, 2008

BabyBoom Review News Items

The kind of discussion we are hoping for here is to reflect on what leading boomers are doing, new trends that are making the boomers either nervous or happy about their situation and anything you find funny or interesting in the world that you think of interest to boomers. Some for examples follow:

Three items caught my attention today:

1. The Woodstock Museum opened--controversial and interesting landmark in our view of this event and this period judging by some of the pre-opening coverage that involved Senator Hillary Clinton's move to find federal money to fund the new building.

2.Dylan and his son in the Barack camp.

3.An unexpected interest in Dylan Thomas life--from Mick Jagger of all people.


First the Woodstock Museum:

Yesterday--June 20, 2008 the Woodstock museum opened:

Woodstock Museum opens

"This was the museum, after all, that sparked campaign-season digs from Republicans last year after Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to help earmark $1 million for the museum. Visitors can watch videos of conservative critics skewering Woodstock, but fair warning: listening to Reagan administration Attorney General Edwin Meese describe the ’60s as a decade of self-indulgence on the way out the door might be a buzzkill.

People who were there, and remember it, can step up to a microphone to record their own experiences for posterity.

Visitors wishing to see the main stage area and imagine what the grassy hillside looked like loaded with hippies can drive down the hill from the museum and park by a marker that has been the main historical attraction here for years.

On a recent day as workers put finishing touches on the museum, Jens Haulund drove his minivan from Trumbull, Conn., to visit the marker with two young visitors from Europe. Haulund came to the United States from Denmark in 1996, and as his daughter climbed on the monument he talked about how as a young man, the Woodstock message of peace and love resonated across the Atlantic.

“It’s one of the main reasons I came to the U.S.,” he said."


New interest in Dylan Thomas's life

See the Guardian Film Blog for the article in full but the details sound intriguing

"Why the Dylan Thomas, dead for 55 years, still continues to fascinate. And, moreover, fascinate the famous to an unusual degree. If a rock star, or indeed a film star, has heard of a poet, then that poet is going to be Dylan Thomas.

Mick Jagger, for instance, owns the rights to his 1939 collection, The Map of Love, and made John Maybury, director of The Edge of Love (about Dylan Thomas's relationship with his wife Caitlin and Vera Phillips) remove everything from that book that had been in the film, under pain of legal action. For Jagger intends to make his own film about the poet."
The Dylan family seems to be backing Obama. It seems young Jakob--was responsible for the Yes We Can video that wowed voters in the primaries and his old man was pleased with the work.

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