Monday, October 27, 2008

New Podcast Explores Suze Rotolo's Relationship with Dylan

I discussed the memoir Suze Rotolo published recently entitled A Freewheelin Time: A Memoir of Greenwich Village in the 1960s with Chris Hale--a well known author and film director and regular contributor to BabyBoom Review. There is both a tender and a dark side to the relationship with Rotolo and the memoir allows us to see both aspects. Rotolo's honest self aware account of her relationship with arguably the greatest singer songwriter
of our era reveals the difficulty of being a proto feminist in the 1960s when the expectations for girlfriends of famous artists was to simply be available and not complain about your second string status. We discuss these tensions in the context of Dylan's the evolving relationship--and how their affair marked a turning point in both young people's lives. The podcast is roughly 25 minutes--give it a listen and let us know what you think by emailing us at

You can listen to the podcast by going to or clicking on the tab marked "podcast" on the
babyboomreview website. You can also while there listen to interviews with Rick Perlstein and David Hajdu concerning Nixon and the later Dylan relationships with Joan Baez and Richard Farina respectively.

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